Upgrade your Lent with St Benedict
Tuesday 16 Jan 2024 · 1:00
The only time St Benedict mentions ‘joy’ in his Rule is to describe Lent! ‘Preparing for the favourable time’ calls foreager engagement, so that we do not stumble upon Lent, but embrace its invitation. Out of an array of liturgical textsand spiritual writings, Abbot Paul will encourage reflection for this season of joy. ‘May the light of Christ rising in glorydispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.’When: Saturday 10 February 2024, from 10.30am (with arrivals and a welcome tea/coffee from 10am), till around 4pmLunch will be provided in the guest refectory.Cost: £25 (or £15 if you bring your own lunch) - payable on the dayBooking / Enquiries: guestmaster@douaiabbey.org.uk