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The Cottages - Douai Abbey: The Monastery of St Edmund, King & Martyr

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For small groups of young people or families on retreat, or for student or chaplaincy groups seeking simple, discreet, flexible and accessible accommodation for retreats, Douai makes available the Cottages – in fact, three former workers’ cottages made into one.
Up to 15 people can sleep in simple, hostel-style rooms, with a downstairs bedroom for group leaders or parents. For a small fee bed-linen and towels can be supplied. There is a versatile eat-in kitchen allowing full self-catering, with separate dining room and washing-up area. Shopping is not difficult with several supermarkets within a few miles of Douai. For guests without independent transport, it is possible to order online from major supermarkets and have deliveries made to the cottages.

The showers are modern and there are several toilets throughout the building. There is central heating throughout, a dishwasher and a washing machine. A good-sized lounge room with doors into a large, fenced private lawn makes for a pleasant place to relax.

For more information please contact the Guestmaster.
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